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Government of Jamaica

Aircraft Registry

Aircraft Registry

Comprehensive Records for Jamaican Civil Aircraft

The JCAA Aircraft Registry is your reliable resource for detailed information on all Jamaican civil aircraft. Our registry contains comprehensive records that include information about the registered owners, aircraft types, and their airworthiness status, to ensure transparency and safety in the aviation industry.

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Registration Marks Manufacturer Model Serial Number Operator
6Y-JZA Piper PA-31-350 31-7652156 Pierre Clarke Services Limited
6Y-JWT Piper PA-23-250 27-4186 Private
6Y-JWQ Cessna 182P 18262196 Carl Barnett
6Y-JWL Cessna 150M 15078623 Carl Barnett/David Robertson
6Y-JUD Rans S12 1010929 Private (Ultralight)
6Y-JUC Technam ECHO P92 278 Private (Ultralight)
6Y-JTC Cessna 182Q 18265231 Tara Courier Ltd.
6Y-JTB Piper PA-23-250 27-3293 Tara Courier Ltd.
6Y-JTA Cessna 172M 17267288 Tara Courier Ltd.
6Y-JRF Cessna T207AC 20700365 Rutair Limited
6Y-JNS Britten-Norman BN2B-20 2289 Private
6Y-JNL Cessna U206G U20605620 Timair Limited
6Y-JNJ Cessna U206G U20606359 Timair Limited
6Y-JNE Textron aviation Inc. (Formerly Cessna) P206B P206-0367 Airways International Ltd.
6Y-JNC Cessna 182Q 18266008 Sylvia M. Bateman
6Y-JNA Cessna U206G 20603837 Timair Limited
6Y-JLV Ayres S2R-1820 R1820-035DC Dustair Ltd.
6Y-JLU Britten-Norman BN2B-21 2170 Timair Limited
6Y-JLJ Cessna 172M 17262053 Private
6Y-JKO Cessna 172N 17268620 Private
6Y-JJS Cessna 182Q 18265686 Private
6Y-JJR Cessna 172S 172S9745 Caribbean Aerospace College
6Y-JJK Cessna 150L 15073993 Wings Jamaica Ltd.
6Y-JJC Cessna U206F 20602650 Airspeed Jamaica Ltd.
6Y-JJA Piper PA -31-350 31-8152080 Airspeed Jamaica Ltd.
6Y-JIM Cessna 172M 17265181 Wings Jamaica Ltd.
6Y-JIC Jetstream 3200 920 Premier Aviation Group Ltd.
6Y-JHT Cessna 172L 17260751 Wings Jamaica Ltd.
6Y-JHO Cessna 182P 18261237 Airways International Ltd.
6Y-JHN Cessna 182P 18261410 Pershard and Angela Williams
6Y-JHB Piper PA-23-250 27-7554023 Private
6Y-JGQ Cessna 182N 18260254 Wings Jamaica Ltd.
6Y-JGA Cessna 152 15281353 Private
6Y-JFG Champion Citabria 63 Private
6Y-JFA Piper PA-32-260 32-376 Private
6Y-JEZ Piper PA-32-260 32-655 Private
6Y-JDY Cessna 180E 18051142 Airways International Ltd.
6Y-JDM Cessna 182Q 18265961 Caribbean Aviation Training Center (Private)
6Y-JDK Cessna 182G 18255494 Airways International Ltd.
6Y-JDB Mitsubishi MU2-26A 353SA Private
6Y-JCH Cessna 172N 17272213 Caribbean Aviation Training Center (Private)
6Y-JCG Cessna 172S8836 Caribbean Aviation Training Center (Private)
6Y-JCF Cessna 172R 17281110 Caribbean Aviation Training Center (Private)
6Y-JCB Cessna 150 15078737 Private
6Y-JCA Bell 206B III 3389 Captains Aviation Services
6Y-JBA Cessna 140 14014548 Dudley Beek, Nigel Beek & Martin Beek
6Y-JAP Britten-Norman BN2A-6 621 Private
6Y-JAH Piper PA-31-350 317852140 Private
6Y-JAB Micro Crafts Africa Aquilla 912 UL WA 1235 Amber Innovations Ltd.