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Government of Jamaica

Aircraft Rating

Aircraft Rating

  • Birth Certificate/Baptismal Certificate
  • Citizenship Certificate
  • Passport
  • Driver’s licences
  • Government identification cards

In the absence of a government issued photographic identification, the applicant shall submit a passport sized photograph, certified by a Justice of the Peace to be a true photograph of the applicant.

  1. An applicant for an Instrument Rating shall
    1. Hold a pilot licence with an aircraft category and class rating for the Instrument Rating sought.
    2. Hold a Class 1 or 2 medical certificate.
    3. Present a logbook endorsed by an authorised instructor certifying that the applicant is prepared to take the practical test.
    4. Successfully completed the knowledge test, obtaining not less than 70%.
    5. Pass the required practical test.
    6. Payment of the applicable fees are made.
  1. Aeronautical Knowledge: An applicant for an instrument rating shall have received and logged ground training from an authorised instructor on the areas of aeronautical knowledge that is applicable to the instrument rating;  Instrument Rating Aeronautical Knowledge Requirements:
    • Rules and regulations relevant to flight under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
    • Use, limitation and serviceability of avionics and instruments necessary for the control and navigation of aeroplanes or helicopters under IFR and in instrument meteorological conditions; use and limitations of an autopilot;
    • Compasses, turning and acceleration errors; gyroscopic instruments, operational limits and precession effects; practices and procedures in the vent of malfunctions of various flight instruments;
    • Pre-flight preparations and checks appropriate to flight under IFR.
    • Operational flight planning; preparation and filing of air traffic services flight plans under IFR; altimeter setting procedures;
    • Human performance relevant to instrument flight in aeroplanes or helicopters;
    • Aeronautical decision making and judgement;
    • Crew resource management, including crew communication and coordination;
    • Application of aeronautical meteorology; interpretation of use of reports, charts, and forecasts; codes and abbreviations; use of, and procedures for obtaining meteorological information; altimetry;
    • Procurement and use of aviation weather reports and forecasts and the elements of forecasting weather trends based on that information;
    • Personal observation of weather conditions;
    • Causes, recognition and effects of engine, propeller or rotor icing and airframe icing; frontal zone penetration procedures; hazardous weather avoidance;
    • Recognition of critical weather situations and wind shear avoidance;
    • Practical air navigation using radio navigation aids;
    • Use, accuracy and reliability of navigation systems used in departure, en-route, approach and landing phases of flight; identification of radio navigation aids;
    • Interpretation and use of aeronautical documentation such as AIP, NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations, and instrument procedures charts for departures, en-route, decent and approaches;
    • Precautionary and emergency procedures; safety practices associated with flight under IFR;
    • Radiotelephony procedures and phraseology as applied to aircraft operations under IFR; action to be taken in case of communication failure;
    • Appropriate information in advisory material published by the Authority that applies to flight operations under IFR;
    • Air traffic control system and procedures for instrument flight operations;
    • IFR navigation and approaches by use of navigation systems;
    • Use of IFR en-route and instrument approach procedure charts; and
    • Safe and efficient operation of aircraft under instrument flight rules and conditions.
  2. Flight Proficiency: An applicant for an Instrument Rating shall have received and logged, training from an authorised instructor in an aircraft, or in an approved flight simulator or approved flight training device, in accordance with item number 5 of this subsection.  (See Appendix 2 to 8.145, Civil Aviation Regulations, 2012).
  3. Aeronautical Experience: An applicant for an Instrument Rating shall have logged a minimum of 40 hours of instrument flight time. (See Appendix 3 to 8.145, Civil Aviation Regulations, 2012)
  4. Use of approved flight simulator or approved training devices. If the instrument training was provided by an authorised instructor in an approved flight simulator or an approved flight simulator device, an applicant may log a maximum of:-
    • 20 hours; or
    • 30 hours, if the training was accomplished in accordance with a training program approved under Schedule 9, of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2012.

Instrument Rating (IFR) renewal based on Pilot Proficiency Check from a Contracting State.

  • Valid Pilot’s Licence from the Contracting State (Valid Medical should be included).
  • Pilot’s current JCAA Medical.
  • Current Pilot Proficiency Check form from Operator in the Contracting State (done within six (6) months of the application).
  • Check Airman Authorization Letter and or Authorization Certificate.
  • Endorsed pilot logbook by the Check Airman and/or training records.
  • Licence verification from issuing State (to be done by the JCAA).
  • Blue Ticket.
  • Logbook with Endorsement (Date, Check Airman, Type of Check and Signature of Check Airman).
  • Current Medical.

Required documents to be submitted to the PEL Office:

  • PEL Office to check currency of the DFTE.
  • Pilot licence.
  • Current JCAA Medical.
  • JCAA Pilot Proficiency check form (FS222).
  • Endorsed pilot logbook and/or Training Records.
  1. A pilot seeking an aircraft type to be added on a pilot licence, or the addition of an aircraft type rating that is accomplished concurrently with an additional aircraft category or class rating,
    • Shall have at least 200 hours in the category of aircraft for which the rating is being sought;
    • Shall have an endorsement in his or her logbook or training record from an authorised instructor that the applicant has been found competent in the following areas, as appropriate to the pilot licence for the aircraft category, class and type rating sought:
      1. normal flight procedures and manoeuvres during all phases of flight;
      2. abnormal and emergency procedures and manoeuvres in the event of failures and malfunctions of equipment, such as powerplant, systems and airframe;
      3. instrument procedures, including instrument approach, missed approach and landing procedures under normal, abnormal and emergency conditions, including simulated engine failure; and
      4. procedures for crew incapacitation and crew coordination including allocation of pilot tasks, crew cooperation and use of checklists.
    • Shall demonstrate to the Authority or a Check Airman:
      1. for pilots of large aircraft or aircraft certificated for two pilots, knowledge of the aircraft type and general aviation knowledge equivalent to that required for an Airline Transport Pilot Licence; and
      2. for pilots of helicopter and high-performance aircraft certificated for one pilot, knowledge of the aircraft type;
      3. Shall pass the practical test applicable to the pilot licence for the aircraft category, class and type rating sought.
      4. Payment of the applicable fees are made.
  1. General: An applicant for a night rating shall acquire dual night and instrument flight time for this rating from the holder of a Flight Instructor Rating endorsed for night flying instrument.
  2. Experience: an applicant shall have acquired in the same category of aircraft, not less than 20 hours of pilot flight time which shall include not less than-
    • 5 hours of night flight time including not less than-
      • 2.5 hours of dual flight time, including 1 hour of cross-country flight time;
      • 2.5 hours solo flight time, including 5 take offs, circuits and landing, and
    • 10 hours dual instrument time of which not more than 5 hours may be instrument ground time.  Instrument time shall be in addition to the 5 hours night flight time.
  3. Skill: An applicant for a night rating shall be recommended by a qualified Flight Instructor.
  4. Credits: An applicant for a night rating who holds a licence endorsed with a night rating in one of the other aircraft categories shall have the total 20 hours pilot flight time reduced to a minimum of 5 hours in aeroplanes including minimum of-
    • 2 hours dual night flight time;
    • 1 hour solo night flight time; and
    • 1 hour dual instrument flight time.
  5. Payment of the applicable fees are made.
  1. General: An applicant for the addition of a multi-engine rating to a pilot licence shall apply to the Authority.
  2. Experience: An applicant shall have completed not less than 10 hours of dual instruction from the holder of a Flight Instructor Rating endorsed for multi-engine instruction.
  3. Skill: An applicant for a multi-engine rating shall demonstrate skill through successful completion of a flight test.
  4. Credits for Active and Retired Personnel of the Jamaica Defence Force: Applicants who are qualified to “pilot-aeroplane-wing” standards shall be deemed to have satisfied the skill requirements.
    • The applicant has acquired not less than 50 hours as pilot-in-command in multi-engine aeroplanes during the 24 months preceding the date of application for the endorsement; or
    • The applicant has met the prescribed standards of the Jamaica Defence Force to act as Pilot-in-command of multi-engine aeroplanes during the 24 months preceding the date of application for the endorsement.

(Note:  Military aeroplanes, for which no Jamaican Civil type approval has been issued, are acceptable for the application requirements.)

  1. Credits for Foreign Applicants: The holder of a valid pilot licence aeroplane category endorsed for multi-engine or multi-engine centre thrust aeroplanes, issued by another Contracting State shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirement as set forth in 3, provided that-
    • The applicant has acquired not less than 50 hours flight time as pilot-in-command in multi-engine or multi-engine centre thrust aeroplanes during the 12 months preceding the date of application for the endorsement to the Jamaican licence; or
    • The applicant has met the prescribed standards, of the State concerned, for issue of the multi-engine or multi-engine centre thrust class rating during the 12 months preceding the date of application of the endorsement to the Jamaican licence.
  1. Payment of the applicable fees are made.