Applying for a Air Service Licence, Permits and Clearances



Applies whether you are:

  1. Non-scheduled Air Operators– operating for hire or reward for which an Air Service permit is required.
  1. Scheduled Air Operators – operating for hire or reward for which an Air Service Licence is required.

Processing Times

  • Ad hoc 1-day Operations
    1. Weekdays processing time – 3 hours
      • Where applications are received between 8:30 a.m. & 2:00 p.m.
      • Next day by 11:30 am if application is received after 2:00 p.m.
    2. Weekend & Public Holidays processing time – 6 hours
      • Where the application is received between 8:30 a.m. & 2:00 p.m.
      • Next day by 11:30 a.m. if the application is received after 2:00 p.m.
  • Operations under 30 days – Processing time 7 days
  • Operations over 30 days – 8 Weeks

NB. The processing time is guaranteed after the submission of all requisite information.

A Permit or Licence will not be granted unless all balances, that are due for payment and are aged beyond the credit period indicated on the published invoice(s), are settled.

You may contact our Finance Department’s Accounts Receivables (AR) Unit, by sending an email to


Step A

Complete and sign the appropriate application form:

For Scheduled Operation complete Form 1


For non-scheduled operations complete Form 1A
For both options visit PALMS Client Portal

Click here to access the Palms User Manual


Step B

Ensure you have the requisite amount of Liability Insurance:

When applying for a licence, click on the calculator below to calculate the liability insurance, this is as per Civil Aviation Regulations 2012, Tenth Schedule Section 10.805 & 10.815

Calculate the Insurance Requirement




Step C

Aircraft documents required for all applicants, in English or Official Translation:-

  1. Certificate of Airworthiness
  2. Certificate of Insurance
  3. Certificate of Registration
  4. Aircraft and Route Authorization Sections of the Operations Specification
  5. Radio Station Licence
  6. Noise Certificate
  7. Approved Aviation Security Program, In accordance with Civil Aviation Regulation, 2012, Twentieth Schedule, Sections 20.016-20.018. (submitted directly to, or
  8. Letter of Confirmation of usage of Aircraft Handler’s Aviation Security Program – Applicable for all Ad doc Operations
  9. Proof of Designation for:
    1. First time applicants for schedule services
    2. Some applicants for non-scheduled service in accordance with the provision of the Bilateral Air Services Agreement between Jamaica and their State
  10. New Jamaica AOC applicants will require additional information such as:
    1. Proof of Citizenship
    2. Proof that the operation is substantially owned by nationals of Jamaica
      1. Memorandum and Articles of association
      2. Proof of Share Capital Ownership
      3. Proof of Funds
      4. Business Plan

Step D

Payment of US$300.00 for the Publication of operations in excess of 30 days in accordance with Regulation 8 of The Civil Aviation (Air Transport Licensing) Regulation and to receive objection or notification from the public within 14 -21 days in accordance with the First Schedule.

Step E

Submit the application and documentation to

Step F

Receive an authorization to conduct Air Services is issued within the guaranteed service time.