Annual Reports

JCAA’s 2021-22 Annual Report

Submitted to the Ministry of Transport & Mining and the Ministry of Finance & Public Service: July 31, 2022

JCAA’s 2020-21 Annual Report

Submitted to the Ministry of Transport & Mining and the Ministry of Finance & Public Service: July 31, 2021

JCAA’s 2019-20 Annual Report

Submitted to the Ministry of Transport & Mining and the Ministry of Finance & Public Service: July 31, 2020

JCAA’s 2018-19 Annual Report

Submitted to the Ministry of Transport & Mining and the Ministry of Finance & Public Service: July 31, 2019

JCAA’s 2017-18 Annual Report

Submitted to the Ministry of Transport & Mining and the Ministry of Finance & Public Service: July 12, 2018

JCAA Annual Report 2016-2017
Submitted to the Ministry of Transport & Mining and the Ministry of Finance & Public Service: July 31, 2017

JCAA Annual Report 2015-2016
Submitted to the Ministry of Transport & Mining and the Ministry of Finance & Public Service: July 29, 2016

JCAA Annual Report 2014-2015
Submitted to the Ministry of Transport, Works & Housing and the Ministry of Finance: July 30, 2015