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Government of Jamaica

Commercial Pilot Licence

Commercial Pilot Licence

  • Birth Certificate/Baptismal Certificate
  • Citizenship Certificate
  • Passport
    • Driver’s Licences
    • Government Identification Cards

    In the absence of a government issued photographic identification, the applicant shall submit a passport sized photograph, certified by a Justice of the Peace to be a true photograph of the applicant.

  1. Age: be at least 18 years of age;
  2. Language: be able to read, speak, write and understand English language;
  3. Medical Qualification: hold a Class 1 medical certificate;
    The medical validity period for Commercial Pilot Licence holders under 40 years of age is 12 months and for other Commercial Pilot licence holders who have passed their 40th birthday and are engaged in single pilot commercial air transport operations, are required to have a medical examination done every 6 months.  However, the licence holders may exercise Private Pilot Licence ‑ Aeroplane Category privileges until the end of the medical period specified for the Private Pilot Licence.
  4. Receive a logbook endorsement from an instructor who:
    1. Conducted the required ground training or reviewed the person’s home study on the aeronautical knowledge areas prescribed by the Authority that apply to the aircraft category and class rating sought; and
    2. Certified that the person is prepared for the required knowledge test that applies to the aircraft category and class rating sought.
  5. Pass the required knowledge test on the aeronautical knowledge areas prescribed by the Authority, obtaining not less than 70%.
  6. Receive the required flight training and a logbook endorsement from an authorised instructor who;
    1. Conducted the flight training prescribed by the Authority that apply to the aircraft cate gory and class rating sought; and who
    2. Certified that the person is prepared for the required practical test.
  7. Meet the aeronautical experience requirements that apply to the aircraft category and class rating sought before applying for the practical test;
  8. Pass the required practical test as specified for Commercial Pilot (Aeroplane or Helicopter) on the prescribed areas of operation that apply to the aircraft category and class rating sought;
  9. Hold a Private Pilot Licence issued in accordance to Schedule Eighth A or meet the requirements pertaining to Military licences; and
  10. Comply with all sections of Schedule Eighth A of the CARs, 2012, that applies to the aircraft category and class rating sought.
  11. Meet the Language Proficiency Rating requirement.
  1. Rules and regulations relevant to the privileges, limitations, and flight operations of the holder of a commercial pilot licence;
  2. rules of the air;
  3. Procedures for operating within the airspace system, appropriate air traffic services practices and procedures.
  4. Principles of operation and functioning the aircraft powerplants and transmission.
  5. Principles of operation and functioning of the aircraft systems and or instruments.
  6. Use and serviceability checks of equipment and systems of the aircraft.
  7. Maintenance requirements for airframe, systems and powerplant of aircraft.
  8. Safe and efficient operation of aircraft.
  9. Operating limitations of appropriate aircraft and their powerplants, relevant operational information from the flight manual or other appropriate document.
  10. Significance and effects of exceeding aircraft performance limitations.
  11. Use and practical application of take-off, landing and other performance data.
  12. Effects of loading and mass distribution on the handling of aircraft, flight characteristics and performance, mass and balance calculations.
  13. Interpretation and application of aeronautical meteorological reports, charts and forecasts, use of, and procedures for obtaining, meteorological information, pre-flight and in-flight.
  14. Aeronautical meteorology, climatology of relevant areas in respect of the elements having an effect upon aviation, the movement of pressure systems, the structure of fronts, and the origin and characteristics of significant weather phenomena which affects take-off, en-route and landing conditions.
  15. Hazardous weather avoidance, to include recognition of critical weather situations, windshear recognition and avoidance.
  16. Air navigation, including the use of aeronautical charts a magnetic compass for pilotage and dead reckoning, instruments and navigation aids.
  17. An understanding of the principles and characteristics of appropriate navigation systems, operation of airborne equipment.
  18. Use of aeronautical documentation such as AIP, NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations.
  19. Pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate to operations under VFR.
  20. Preparation and filing of air traffic services flight plan, appropriate air traffic services procedures.
  21. Altimeter setting procedures.
  22. Human performance, aeronautical decision making and judgement relevant to the commercial pilot.
  23. Basic aerodynamics and the principles of flight relating to the aircraft.
  24. Manoeuvres, procedures, and emergency operations appropriate to the aircraft.
  25. Appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures, including for the helicopter; setting with power, ground resonance, roll-over and other operating hazards.
  26. Operational procedures for carriage of freight; potential hazards associated with dangerous goods.
  27. Requirements and practices for safety briefing to passengers, including precautions to be observed when embarking and disembarking from the aircraft.
  28. Radiotelephony procedures and phraseology as applied to VFR operations; action to be taken in case of communication failure.
  29. Accident reporting requirements of the Authority.
  30. Night operations.
  31. High-altitude operations
  32. Procedures for flight and ground training for lighter-than-air ratings.

Active or retired Jamaica Defence Force personnel who have qualified to pilot wings standards shall be deemed to have met the ground school instruction requirements, the written examination requirement, the skill requirement and the requirement to hold a Private Pilot Licence, provided that the applicant-

  • meet the experience requirements of which a minimum of 10 hours flight time was acquired in the category of aircraft for which the licence is sought in the 12 months preceding the date of application, and
  • obtains a minimum of 70% in the written Air Law examination.

Commercial Pilot Experience Requirements:

Specific Experience A TR RH
Minimum Number of Flight Hours
Pilot – All Aircraft 200 150
Pilot – Aircraft Category 100 100
Pilot-In-Command Aircraft Category – Night 5 5
Flight Instruction – Aircraft Class 35 20 20
Flight Instruction – Night 5 5
Pilot-In-Command – All Aircraft 100 100
Pilot-In-Command – Aircraft Class 30 5 30
Flight Instruction Instrument – Aircraft Category 20 20
Pilot-In-Command – Cross Country – Aircraft Class 20 10
Flight Instruction – Cross-Country – Night – Aircraft Class 2 2 2
Flight Instruction – Cross Country 3 3
Flight Instruction – Preparation for practical test (in previous 60 days) 3 3 3
Number of Special Events
Night takeoffs and landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport. 10 5
Solo takeoffs and landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport with an operating control tower. 5 5
Solo cross-country flight (of minimum specified nautical miles), in the course of which landings at two different points shall be made. 1