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Government of Jamaica



All written examinations are conducted every 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month, beginning at 9:00 a.m. sharp.  Out of schedule sittings may be accommodated but must be requested in writing by the candidate or ATO and approval given.  All applicable fees are required to be paid at least 2 days prior to the sitting of the exam.  Oral examinations are conducted based on the candidate’s readiness and the availability of the Airworthiness Inspectors, within the appropriate category.

The first step is for the applicant to contact the JCAA PEL Office. PEL Office staff must provide applicants with information relating to knowledge test prerequisites, required authorisations and endorsements, where applicants write their knowledge tests and the appropriate fees that are involved.

The second step is for the applicant to receive an endorsement from an authorised instructor or Aviation Training Organisation that the applicant has completed the required training and is ready to take the knowledge test.

The third step is for the applicant to receive confirmation from the PEL Office to take the knowledge test.

The fourth step is the administration of the knowledge test.  All applicants for a knowledge test must provide proper identification.

Upon completion of the knowledge test, each applicant will receive their own Airman Knowledge Test Report, showing their test score, stamped to authenticate the validity of the document.

The Airman Knowledge Test Report also provides the applicant with the expiration date of the knowledge test if the applicant was successful.

Applicants requiring a duplicate Airman Test Report due to loss or destruction of the original should send a signed request to the PEL Office.

All test questions are the objective, multiple-choice type. Each question can be correctly answered by the selection of a single response. Each test question is independent of other questions; therefore, a correct response to one does not depend upon, or influence, the correct response to another. The minimum passing score is 70 percent and 80 percent for AME written exams.  Please see the Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority – Written Examination policy, under the heading Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority – Written Examinations, Flight Safety Notification (FSN-GN-2021-02).

An oral examination is required for all AME candidates, following the successful completion of their respective written examinations.  The panel will consist of at least two (2) suitably qualified, delegated Airworthiness Inspectors.  The minimum passing score is 80 percent.

Airman Knowledge Test Reports for all categories of licence are valid for 24 calendar months. The applicant should plan to complete the skill test during the 24-calendar month validity period. If the Airman Test Report expires before completion of the skill test, the applicant must retake the knowledge test.

Knowledge test applicants may use aids, reference materials, and test materials within the guidelines listed below. All models of aviation-oriented calculators may be used, including small electronic calculators that perform only arithmetic functions (add, subtract, multiply, and divide). Simple programmable memories, which allow addition to, subtraction from, or retrieval of one number from the memory, are permissible. Also, simple functions, such as square root and percent keys are permissible. The following guidelines apply:

  • Applicants may use any reference materials provided with the test. In addition, applicants may use scales, straightedges, protractors, plotters, navigation computers, log sheets, holding Pattern entry aids, and electronic or mechanical calculators that are directly related to the test.
  • Manufacturers permanently inscribed instructions on the front and back of such aids, e.g., formulas, conversions, regulations, signals, weather data, holding pattern diagrams, frequencies, weight and balance formulas, and air traffic control procedures are permissible.
  • JCAA personnel may provide a calculator to applicants and/or deny use of their personal calculator based on the following limitations:
    1. Prior to, and upon completion of the test, while in the presence of the proctor, applicants must actuate the ON/OFF switch and perform any other function that ensures erasure of any data stored in memory circuits, including removal of batteries.
    2. The use of electronic calculators incorporating permanent or continuous type memory circuits without erasure capability is prohibited. The test examiner may refuse the use of the applicant’s calculator when unable to determine the calculator’s erasure capability.
    3. Printouts of data must be surrendered at the completion of the test if the calculator incorporates this design feature.
    4. The use of magnetic cards, magnetic tapes, modules, computer chips, or any other device upon which pre-written programs or information related to the test can be stored and retrieved is prohibited.
    5. Applicants are not permitted to use any booklet or manual containing instructions related to use of test aids.
  • Dictionaries are not permitted in the testing area.
  • The test examiner makes the final determination relating to test materials and personal possessions the applicant may take into the testing area.

Airmen Knowledge testing are carried out in accordance with the strictest security procedures to avoid test compromise. If an applicant appears to be cheating, the test proctor shall immediately discontinue the test and escort the applicant from the area to avoid disturbing others who may be taking examinations. The proctor will collect the applicant’s authorisation, all test materials, including supplementary materials, and advise the applicant that further testing may continue only after the JCAA completes an investigation.

If the investigation determines that cheating or unauthorised conduct has occurred, then any airman licence, certificate, or rating that the applicant holds may be revoked, and the applicant will be prohibited for 1 year from applying for or taking any test for a licence, certificate or rating.

Airmen Knowledge testing are carried out in accordance with the strictest security procedures to avoid test compromise. If an applicant appears to be cheating, the test proctor shall immediately discontinue the test and escort the applicant from the area to avoid disturbing others who may be taking examinations. The proctor will collect the applicant’s authorisation, all test materials, including supplementary materials, and advise the applicant that further testing may continue only after the JCAA completes an investigation.

If the investigation determines that cheating or unauthorised conduct has occurred, then any airman licence, certificate, or rating that the applicant holds may be revoked, and the applicant will be prohibited for 1 year from applying for or taking any test for a licence, certificate or rating.

In addition, Regulation 22 of the CARs, as amended states that, inter alia: No person shall, with intent to deceive, or to obtain any benefit, financial or otherwise – make any false representation for the purpose of procuring for himself or any other person the grant, issue, renewal or variation of any such licence, certificate, permit or exemption or other document, and in this paragraph a reference to a licence, certificate, permit, exemption or other document includes a copy or purported copy thereof. A person who contravenes any provision of this regulation commits an offence and is liable on conviction before a Circuit Court to a maximum fine of One Million Dollars.

Applicants who receive a grade less than that which is required for the category of licence or rating being applied for, and who wish to retest, must present the following to the JCAA testing centre personnel when appearing for the purpose of retesting:

  • A failed Airman Knowledge Test Report;
  • A written endorsement from an authorised instructor certifying that additional instruction has been given, and the instructor finds the applicant competent to pass the test.
  • Required payment for the re-sit of an exam.

Applicants possessing an Airman Test Report with a passing score, who decide to retake the test in anticipation of a better score, may retake the test after 30 days from the date their last test was taken. The JCAA will not allow applicants to retake a passed test before the 30-day period has lapsed. Prior to retesting, applicants will be required to surrender their current Airman Test Report to the test examiner. The last test taken will reflect the official final score.

Applicants who possess an Airman Knowledge Test Report with a score less than that which is required for the category of licence or rating being applied for, may retake the test after 14 days from the date the last test was taken in the case of the first failure. See 8.046 (i) of the 8th A Schedule of the CARs.

The testing supplements contain the graphics, legends, and maps that are needed to successfully respond to certain knowledge test items. These supplements will be provided by the JCAA test centre personnel during the airman knowledge test.  These supplements will be included in all computer-based exams.

The purpose of the knowledge test guide is to describe the JCAA’s knowledge testing policy and procedures for each licence area. The PEL Office has developed knowledge test guides which will answer an applicant’s questions about taking the knowledge test by covering the following areas:

  • knowledge test eligibility requirements;
  • knowledge areas;
  • descriptions of the test;
  • process for taking a knowledge test;
  • validity of Airman Test Reports;
  • use of test aids and materials;
  • cheating or other unauthorised conduct;
  • retesting procedures; and
  • obtaining training and testing publications and general information.

The airman knowledge tests are very effective instruments for aviation safety and regulatory compliance. However, this test can only sample the vast amount of knowledge every applicant for a licence or rating needs to operate safely in an ever-increasing complex aviation system. This guide is not offered as an easy way to obtain the necessary information for passing the knowledge tests. Rather, the intent of the guide is to define and narrow the field of study to the required knowledge areas included in the tests.