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Government of Jamaica

Flight Dispatcher Licence

Flight Dispatcher Licence

  • Birth Certificate/Baptismal Certificate
  • Citizenship Certificate
  • Passport
  • Driver’s licences
  • Government identification cards

In the absence of a government-issued photographic identification, the applicant shall submit a passport sized photograph, certified by a Justice of the Peace to be a true photograph of the applicant.

  • be at least twenty-one (21) years of age;
  • be able to read, speak, write and understand the English language at a proficiency level meeting the level 6 requirements of ICAO Annex 1, Appendix 1;
  • Have the documented prerequisite experience or training required
  • Pass the required knowledge test on the prescribed aeronautical knowledge areas, obtaining not less than 70%;
  • Pass the required Air Law examination in the process of a conversion of licence, obtaining not less than 70%;
  • Pass the required practical examination on the areas of operations that apply to the aircraft dispatcher licence; and
  • Be in possession of a radio operator licence or endorsement.

The applicant for a Flight Dispatcher Licence shall have demonstrated a level of knowledge appropriate to the privileges granted to the holder of a Flight Dispatcher Licence in at least the following subjects: –

(a)       Rules and regulations relevant to the holder of a Flight Dispatcher Licence; appropriate air traffic services practices and procedures;

(b)       Principles of operation of aeroplanes powerplants, systems and instruments;

(c)       Operating limitations of aeroplanes and powerplants;

(d)       Application of minimum equipment lists;

(e)       Flight performance calculation and planning procedures;

(f)        Effects of loading and mass distribution on aircraft performance and flight characteristics; mass and balance calculations;

(g)       Operational flight planning; fuel consumption and endurance calculations; alternate airport selection procedures; en-route cruise control; extended range operation;

(h)       Preparation and filing of air traffic service flight plans;

(i)        Basic principles of computer-assisted planning systems;

(j)        Human performance relevant to dispatch duties;

(k)       Aeronautical meteorology; the movement of pressure systems; the structure of fronts, and the origin and characteristics of significant weather phenomena which affect take-off, en-route and landing conditions;

(l)        Interpretation and application of aeronautical meteorological reports, charts and forecasts; codes and abbreviations; use of, and procedures for obtaining, meteorological information;

(m)      Principles of air navigation with particular reference to instrument flight;

(n)       Use of aeronautical documentation;

(o)       Operational procedures for the carriage of freight and dangerous goods;

(p)       Procedures relating to aircraft accidents and incidents; emergency flight procedures;

(q)       Procedures relating to unlawful interference and sabotage of aircraft;

(r)        Principles of flight relating to the appropriate category of aircraft;

(s)        Radio communication; and

(t)        Procedures for communicating with aircraft and relevant ground stations.

  1. An applicant for a Flight Dispatcher Licence shall present satisfactory documentary evidence that the applicant has the experience or training prescribed by the Authority.
  2. An applicant using the completion of an approved course as the basis for the experience must complete the practical exam within 90 days after successful completion of the knowledge exam.


As a minimum prerequisite experience, the applicant for a Flight Dispatcher Licence shall: –

  •  The applicant shall have satisfactorily completed a course of training approved by the Authority; or
  • In addition to items 1) and 2) above, the applicant must be able to show a total experience of at least: –
    • one year as an assistant in the dispatching of commercial air transport; or
    • at least two years’ service in any one or in any combination of the capacities specified in (1) to (4) inclusive, provided that in any combination of experience the period serviced in any capacity shall be at least one year: –
      1. a flight crewmember in commercial air transport;
      2. a meteorologist in an organization dispatching aircraft in commercial air transport;
      3. an air traffic controller; or a technical supervisor of flight dispatchers or commercial air transport flight operations systems; or
      4. other duty that the Authority determines to provide equivalent experience.

NB. In the absence of an Approved Training Organization (ATO) for Flight Dispatchers, the Authority currently converts Flight Dispatcher Licences through the process of conversion providing that the applicant’s licence is current and/or the applicant is being employed by a Jamaican Air Operator, who will provide the necessary training for flight dispatchers. Flight Dispatchers do not require a medical certification therefore, a medical examination report should not be acquired.