Aircraft Registry

The Aircraft Registry contains information necessary to establish and maintain the record for all Jamaican civil aircraft. The aircraft record consists of information about the registered owner of the aircraft and information concerning the type and airworthiness status of the aircraft. The information maintained in the aircraft record is available to the public. This is to facilitate aviation safety, security, and commerce.

View registry by status:

Registration Marks Hex Code Manufacturer Model Serial Number Operator Owner/Lessor Original Registration Date: Reissued Registration Date: Certificate of Airworthiness Category: MCTOW (lbs): Seating: Engine Make: Engine Model: Certificate of Airworthiness Expires: Certificate of Airworthiness Status: Notes to Status: Emergency Transponder: Comments:
6Y-JUC 0BE20A Technam Echo P92 278 Private (Ultralight) Axel Sonnenberg 2002-Apr-11 Sport Flying 990 2 Rotax 912 2022-Jun-16 Invalid
6y-jac 0BE002 Micro Crafts Africa Aquilla 912 WA 1165 Amber Innovations Limited Amber Innovations Limited 2024-Dec-17 Invalid
6Y-JAB 0BE001 Micro Crafts Africa Aquilla 912 UL WA 1235 Amber Innovations Limited Amber Innovations Limited 2022-Jun-03 Sport Flying 990 2 Rotax 912 UL2 Invalid