All professional operators must apply to the Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority (JCAA) for a Special Aerial Work Permit before each flight.

All entities or persons wishing to operate a UA, as referenced in this paragraph:

  • Shall apply to the JCAA in writing for approval, providing all details of the intended operation
  • Shall not fly the aircraft, unless written permission has been received from the Authority, stating any applicable restrictions or conditions.
  • Having received approval, the professional operator must observe and comply with all the conditions included in the permit, in order to exercise the authority provided to operate a UA.



  1. The application letter must be sent via email to, followed by a physical copy to the following address:

                                               Mr. Nari Williams-Singh

                                               Director General

                                               Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority

                                               4 Winchester Road

                                               Kingston 10.


                                         Attention: Inspectors with responsibility for UAs


      2. In the letter, which must be dated and signed, state the following:

  • Name of the Accountable Person to be named in the Permit
  • Location and dates for the permit of flight
  • Make and serial number of the drone
  • Pilots name and contact information
  • The requested height for the drone to be flown (not above 400ft AGL)
  • The duration/ Time of the UA operation


  1. The Company is to have Liability Insurance for the UA of no less than US$100,000.


  1. The application needs to be made at least three working days’ before the intended flight.*


* The working days’ notice enables us to prepare NOTAM’s (Notice to Airmen) to the Aviation community in respect of UA operations near to airports, helipads and aircraft flight path. These NOTAM’s have to be disseminated prior to the planned UA operation.

NOTE: Requests for drone operations within Prohibited and Restricted Airspace will require up to 14 working days prior notice.


For further information, please contact the Flight Safety Division of the Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority at 876 960-3948 or email