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Government of Jamaica

Personnel Licensing Services

Personnel Licensing Services

Welcome to our Personnel Licensing section, where we facilitate various licensing needs for aviation professionals.

Written Examinations: We administer written examinations for the issuance of licenses to pilots and Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AME).

Radiotelephony Licences: We issue restricted radiotelephony licences to qualified individuals.

Foreign Licence Validation: Our team validates foreign licenses held by pilots and Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AME) to ensure compliance with local regulations.

Student Pilot Permits: We issue permits to aspiring student pilots, guiding them through the initial stages of their aviation journey.

Aircraft Registration: Our services include the registration of aircraft, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Professional Licenses: We issue licenses for Air Traffic Controllers, Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, and Pilots, enabling them to operate within established standards and regulations.

For general examination details please view the following:

The Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority issues the following licences:

Ready to fly to Jamaica, or to operate in our convenient, transcontinental airspace?

Apply for Personnel Licences, Air Services Licences, Permits and Clearances here:

  1. Personnel Licence Services – for Jamaican Pilots, Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, Air Traffic Controllers and Flight Dispatchers.
  2. Air Services Authorization – for Air Operators applying to transport People, Mail and Cargo by air.

Personnel Licensing Forms:

Instructions for completing FS013 – AME Licence Application Form

This document provides guidance for the applicant to use in completing the AME Application Form JCAA Form FS013. Each block on JCAA Form FS013 [as appropriate, is to be completed in dark blue or black indelible ink, using BLOCK CAPITALS. Where a block does not apply, enter N/A [not applicable].

Block No. 

  1. General
    1. Place an ‘X’ in the appropriate box.
  1. Personal Details
    1. Enter your name, as it appears on your Birth Certificate or other ID (Passport, National Registration Card). Enter your date of birth, and mailing address (can be a PO Box Number). Address for Insertion on Licence – cannot be a PO Box Number but must be a place of permanent residence (24 Windy Avenue, Kingston 50, etc). Telephone contact – residence; the name of employer (company/individual); employer telephone; telephone contact at the worksite; fax; work site address; position/title; date employed are all self-explanatory.
  1. Initial or Additional Privileges
    1. Group – Place an ‘X’ in the appropriate box.
  1. Renewal Licence
    1. number; expiry date, self-explanatory; group (place an ‘X’ in the appropriate box); type rating – state aircraft type (if applicable).
    2. date last certification made under the authority of the above licence is self-explanatory.
    3. where an applicant doesn’t satisfy (a) he shall supply the information as requested.
  1. Foreign Licence Validation
    1. Name of Issuing Authority (FAA, Transport Canada, etc.’); licence number; date of expiry; ratings/privileges, are self-explanatory.
  1. Training Information [Not required for Renewal]
    1. Place an ‘X’ in the appropriate box. For the Initial application, give details of the Basic Training course completed, including the name of the Training Institution and the duration of the course completed [must satisfy the requirements of the 8th and 9th Schedules]. Confirmation – before affixing name; licence number; and signature, read *declaration at the bottom of Block 8. NOTE: Where the training information is more than the space provided, indicate this by inserting the following statement: “See attached document.”
  1. Experience
    1. Aircraft type; duties/functions; and period from/to, are self-explanatory. Confirmation; before affixing name; licence number; and signature, read *declaration at the bottom of Block 8.
  1. For JCAA use only.